Global supply chains improve efficiency and cost savings for companies across all industries. Yet they also lead to increasingly tangled webs of business relationships, and the growing risks that go with them.

With Riskhedron, every business relationship becomes more manageable and transparent. We provide visibility into the financial stability of global suppliers and vendors, enabling organizations to:

Supplier Evaluations to Assess Financial Health Become Manageable

Evaluating supplier risk can be a complex process because of the vast types of risk. At Riskhedron, we believe financial health is the most important key risk indicator to evaluate and monitor. Understanding the financial risk in your supply chain will help you:

Intelligent Risk Factor Analysis Enables Better Business Decisions

Comprehensive financial risk factor coverage of all suppliers will help you accurately see potential risks in your supply chain. Our analytics work together whether you need an immediate pulse on the level of risk or a deep dive on critical suppliers.

Financial Health as a Leading Indicator for Supplier Performance

Financial health is the gateway to understanding a company’s underlying strengths and weaknesses and speaking one single language for business decisions; it provides a universal benchmark for choosing whom to partner with in the short- and long-term. When it comes to financial health: